Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill

I appreciate the strength of feeling around this issue. Around a million animal and plant species are threatened with extinction and the abundance, diversity and connectivity of species is declining faster than at any time in human history. Ministers take the welfare of all animals extremely seriously and are committed to strengthening and supporting long-term conservation of animals both internationally and at home.

In 2019, the Government held a consultation on the scale and impact of the import and export of hunting trophies. Over 44,000 responses to the call for evidence and consultation were received and 85 per cent of responses were in favour of further action. The Government’s response to the consultation set out plans to ban imports of hunting trophies from thousands of endangered and threatened species.

It is absolutely disgusting that people travel to exotic locations to hunt and dismember wild animals (often endangered species) to display on the walls of their homes. It is also terrible for the environment and threatens their natural evolution because trophy hunters deliberately target the strongest & biggest, which is having a direct effect on the ability of smaller animals to survive in their natural habitats.

You may have seen that I have spoken in support of the Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill that was introduced to Parliament in June 2022 - a really important Private Members Bill brought by my colleague Henry Smith.  You can watch my speech in Parliament on this important issue here: .The Bill is a manifesto commitment and is fully supported by the Government.

My ministerial colleagues and I were disappointed that despite the overwhelming support from MPs and the public, this Bill failed to progress through Committee stage in the House of Lords. I understand that accepting the amendments proposed by Peers would have undermined the Government’s important commitment in this area.

I am aware that the Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill was re-tabled by John Spellar MP, and is having its second reading on 22nd March. Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend the debate due to my ministerial position, as Ministers cannot speak in debates other than those covering their own portfolio. Although I cannot attend, I will certainly be following this debate very closely.

(March 2024)